#navbar-iframe { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; } LASOTA Sixth Grade Language Arts: March 2010 #navbar-iframe { height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none; }

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vocabulary Flashcards

We are now up to 30 vocabulary words. Because our tests are cumulative, flashcards are ESSENTIAL! We make the tests cumulative because we want these words to be learned forever, not just for the test!

We will be checking for 30 flashcards with words and definitions. A day flash cards are due 3/29, and B day flash cards are due 3/30. You can make these online and print them! Try this website: Flashcard Machine. It is a high-tech way to practice your vocabulary!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Show, Don't Tell - A Scary Winner....

Click on Image to Enlarge

We asked for frighteningly good writing, and that's just what we got! This was the "winner," based on student votes, from the 6th period class, though there were many more winning papers!

Vocabulary Activity - Your Choice

With the new vocabulary words (see post below) students have a choice of activities. Students may complete a vocabulary cluster map, as we have done on occasion as an in-class warm-up activity. The center diamond is for the word, phonetic pronunciation, definition and part of speech. On the left are three rectangles with words that are synonyms (what it IS), and on the right are three ovals with antonyms (what the word ISN'T). Beneath the cluster students are to name a person, thing, and animal that are representative of the word.

Or, if a student prefers, he or she may do a vocabulary cartoon following the same guidelines as those completed after vocabulary sets #1 and #2. Link here for explanation of cartoon.

Vocabulary Set #3

  1. Boastful [BOHST-fuhl]AdjectiveCharacterized by speaking with excessive pride about oneself
  2. Dejected [dih-JEK-tid]Adjective
    depressed in spirits; disheartened; low-spirited
  3. Ecstatic [ek STAT ic]AdjectiveCharacterizred by a state of extreme delight
  4. Envious [EN-vee-uhs]Adjective
    Full of a feeling of discontent or jealousness
  5. Humble [HUHM-buhl]Adjective
    Not proud or arrogant; modest
    Low in rank or status
    Courteously respectful
  6. Ravenous [RAV-uh-nuhs]AdjectiveExtremely hungry; famished
  7. Vain [veyn]Adjective
    excessively proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements, etc.; conceited
  8. Valiant [VALyuhnt]AdjectiveBoldy Corageous, Brave
  9. Vast [VAHST]Adjective
    Immense; huge; enormous.
  10. Voracious [vaw-REY-shuhs]Adjective
    craving or consuming large quantities of food.
    exceedingly eager

Remember, vocabulary tests are cumulative. All 30 words studied so far will be subject to testing. Make flashcards!!!! Tests will be 3/30 (B Day) and 3/31 (A Day).

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Show, Don't Tell!

"Show, Don't Tell" assignment #3 is due in class on Friday for A day students, and on Monday for B day. The topic for this time is "I was frightened." For a review of the "Show, Don't Tell" assignment, click this link : assignment.
We are looking forward to some scarily good writing!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Topic, Main Idea, and Theme

Over the next few weeks it is our goal that every student will be able to state with confidence:

  • Topic: The subject of the story.
  • Main Idea: A summary of the events of the story. It may be stated or implied.
  • Theme: A central meaning or purpose to the story, usually a generalization about a life situation.
Our study will span the definitions of these three important concepts, and include application to paragraphs, familiar stories, the short stories we've already shared in class, and even popular fables and fairy tales. We will then apply this learning to the independent reading that students are choosing (and logging) for this month. One tool to bolster development of main idea is the "Three Word Main Idea Map," similar to the one located on the back of this month's log.

In class we will read a bit of historical fiction, a short story set in the time of the historic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

With a deeper understanding of these concepts we can increase comprehension and the complexity of the discussions of the texts we read.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March Reading Log

This month we have a reading log choice. For our voracious readers, there is a log formatted to include reading done more than once time a day.

For our once-a-day readers, we have a log that offers one spot daily, much like our previous logs.

Click on the image to enlarge.
Of course, either log must indicate a total of 2 hours (120 minutes) of reading time per week.
On the back of the log are two activities on characterization and on main idea which will be modeled and discussed in class next week.