- Topic: The subject of the story.
- Main Idea: A summary of the events of the story. It may be stated or implied.
- Theme: A central meaning or purpose to the story, usually a generalization about a life situation.
Our study will span the definitions of these three important concepts, and include application to paragraphs, familiar stories, the short stories we've already shared in class, and even popular fables and fairy tales. We will then apply this learning to the independent reading that students are choosing (and logging) for this month. One tool to bolster development of main idea is the "Three Word Main Idea Map," similar to the one located on the back of this month's log.
In class we will read a bit of historical fiction, a short story set in the time of the historic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
With a deeper understanding of these concepts we can increase comprehension and the complexity of the discussions of the texts we read.